Bulldog Gin 750ml

$73.00 including GST


A delightful English gin prepared with poppy, dragon eye, lotus leaves, citrus, almond, lavender, and a variety of additional botanicals (12 total). This is four times distilled in copper pot stills, and Bulldog garnered the highest grade ever given to a gin by Wine Enthusiast Magazine.

Bulldog London Dry Gin has reinvented London Dry Gin to produce a smooth, balanced drink with a citrus foundation. It’s a flexible product with numerous layers of flavour for maximum mixing possibilities. Begin with a triple distilled neutral grain spirit brewed from only the best British wheat and water. But the transformation occurs during the fourth distillation, then add the special blend of botanicals in their natural form to the pot still. It achieves the perfect balance to allow the botanicals to express themselves.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.75 litres
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SKU: CWS00251 Categories: , , , Varietal: Gin Region: Uk Alcohol Percentage: 40%