Mars Iwai Tradition Blended Whisky 750ml

$97.00 including GST


This malt-driven spirit is a true depiction of modern Japanese whisky. Extremely well-balanced, delicate, and layered. Ripe cherry, honey toffee, and a lovely ginger spice finish A blend of sherry, bourbon, and wine casks, along with delicate overtones of peat, results in a harmonious whisky that would make Iwai-san proud.

Kiichiro Iwai is one of the most important people. He is a Japanese whisky pioneer. “Iwai tradition” is his typical Mars whisky model. In contrast, the whisky “Iwai” has a lighter flavour. Through vatting with a fantastic balance of peaty unblended whisky and various casks, such as sherry casks, you can enjoy the softness of refined taste, harmony, and a sense of balance every time you taste.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.75 litres

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SKU: CWS10302 Categories: , , , , , Country: Japan Region: Japan Alcohol Percentage: 40%