Nikka Coffey Gin 700ml

$100.00 including GST


Nikka Whisky uses its many years of expertise in both whisky blending and white spirit distillation to create this gin. This gin’s smooth texture and full body are a result of the base distillate passing through the “Coffey Still,” a traditional continuous still used to make Nikka’s distinctive grain whiskies. Yuzu, Kabosu, and Amanatsu are just a few of the Japanese citrus that contribute to its delicately balanced aromatic complexity. On the finish, there are lovely, tart notes of Japanese Sansho pepper, along with a hint of apples, a fruit that has a significant historical significance in Nikka.


Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

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SKU: CWS11132 Categories: , , , , Alcohol Percentage: 47%