Nikka Session 700ml

$120.00 including GST


This world blended whisky was created from spirit produced at the Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries, masterfully blended together with whisky from Scotland’s hugely famous Ben Nevis distillery, and comes in a stunning matte blue bottle with musically inspired art and the title Session adorning the label.

On the nose, expect crisp orange and apple scents, as well as a sweetness and smell of malt and delicate vanillins. The palate will have a smooth and creamy tongue feel, as well as a lovely balance of gentle sweetness and oak’s mellow fruitiness. The aftertaste is rather bitter, with fading peat notes.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

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SKU: CWS11781 Categories: , , , , , , Country: Japan Region: Japan Alcohol Percentage: 43%