Rom Club Classic Spiced 700ml

$77.00 including GST


The Classic Spiced by the brand is an excellent blend of first-rate Mauritian rum. Tropical spices and fruits play an important role in this dish. These are also noticeable on the nose, along with subtle cinnamon undertones. Grapefruit and tangerine dominate the taste.

Litchquor Ltd sells the new spirits, which are still a relatively new brand. Since 2012, the company has been run by Frédéric Bestel, who has made it his mission to uphold the 200-year family legacy. This mostly entails the use of a wide range of spices. These were brought to Europe by seafarers transporting herbs and spices from the Orient and South Africa. On their long voyage, they use the island as a layover. Some of these spices and herbs can now be found in Mauritius Rome’s Classic Spiced and other variations.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

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SKU: CWS11110 Categories: , , , Alcohol Percentage: 40%