Belvedere Vodka 700ml

$87.00 including GST


Rye, water, and personality. Belvedere Vodka is the authentic and unique manifestation of premium vodka, born of 600 years of Polish vodka-making history. The vodka itself is always genuine and never synthetic. It is made entirely from Polish Dankowskie Rye and quadruple-distilled to achieve the right balance of flavour and purity; it contains no additives, such as sugar or glycerin. Dilution with pure water from Belvedere’s own artisan wells is critical for allowing the rye’s essence to shine.

Perfect on the rocks, in a martini, or infusing flavour into any cocktail. Belvedere is the apex of the vodka-making tradition. There are no additives, it is gluten free, and it is naturally smooth.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

Only 5 left in stock

SKU: CWS00147 Categories: , , , Country: Poland Varietal: Vodka Region: Poland Vintage: NV Alcohol Percentage: 40%