Boodles Gin 700ml

$75.00 including GST


Each batch of Boodles Gin is prepared with patience and hard work. After being distilled from British wheat, it starts out as a clean spirit and is infused with a variety of conventional herbs and spices, such as nutmeg, sage, and rosemary. These components give Boodles a gentle, herbal character that counterbalances the juniper’s fundamental piney aromas.

There’s a faint but subtle hint of earthiness and spice in the background. Vibrant and first lead by juniper with a touch of caraway, it has a lemon rind taste in the middle of the palate and a delightfully spiced finish. First impressions are of a crisp, traditional London Dry juniper-led flavour.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

Only 6 left in stock

SKU: CWS11403 Categories: , , , Country: United Kingdom Varietal: Gin Region: United Kingdom Vintage: NV Alcohol Percentage: 40%