Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label Nv 750ml

$85.00 including GST


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Yellow Label is the signature of Veuve Clicquot’s quality and style, and it is replicated every year thanks to the winery’s valuable reserve wine inventory. The champagne’s vibrant yellow label represents its bright personality and superb winemaking qualities. Yellow Label is blended with grapes from up to 50 to 60 different Crus.

With a combination of 30-45% reserve wines with grapes from up to 60 different crus. The Pinot Noir predominance (50-55%) offers the structure that is so characteristic of Veuve Clicquot, while Chardonnay (28-33%) adds the elegance and delicacy required in a perfectly balanced wine, and Meunier (15-20%) balances out the blend. The extensive age in Crayères (3 years minimum for Yellow Label) lends the Champagne silkiness.
Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.75 litres

Only 9 left in stock

SKU: CWS01478 Categories: , , , , Country: France Varietal: Pinot Noir, Cha Region: Champagne Vintage: NV Alcohol Percentage: 12%