David Premium Luxury Gin 700ml

$105.60 including GST


Gin David is presented in the head, or shall we say ‘bust’ from the European Renaissance classic Italian sculpture – Michelangelo’s David. This very well made premium gin is crafted using a combination of 12 botanicals, comprising of vanilla, orange, lime, grapefruit, cinnamon, coriander, anise, elderflower, iris, angelica and bergamot. A fantastically elegant gin, with incredible poise and flair. Much like an italian supercar, this is gin at it’s best.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

Only 7 left in stock

SKU: CWS11715 Categories: , Country: Italy Varietal: Gin Region: Italy Vintage: NA Alcohol Percentage: 40%%