Westward Whiskey 750ml

$121.00 including GST


It’s the flagship single malt from Westward Whiskey! First, Westward brew an American pale ale using locally grown malted barley, and this is then double pot distilled. It’s then aged in lightly toasted new American oak barrels before bottling at 45% ABV. This is certainly a spirit for bridging that beer and whiskey gap!

Herbal aromas are followed by a hint of cinnamon, lemon curd, oak, and butterscotch. The herbal nose is translated to the palate and accompanied by notes of butterscotch, orange peel, baking spice, orchard fruit, and oak. With a long herbal finish with a touch of orange peel, cocoa, and lemon.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres
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SKU: CWS12356 Categories: , , , , , Country: Usa Varietal: Single Malt Region: Usa Vintage: NV Alcohol Percentage: 45%