Gentleman Jack 700ml

$72.80 including GST


Gentleman Jack of the Jack Daniel’s house is a soft and refined whiskey Tennessee. Like the bourbon, it is produced from at least 51% corn, and is aged for at least two years in single oak barrels. Similar to the Jack Daniel’s whiskey Tennessee and Single Barrel, Gentleman Jack also undergoes charcoal filtration. After the aging process and before bottling, the whiskey undergoes an additional filtering process – making it the only whiskey in the world that undergoes double charcoal filtration. Gentleman Jack has a full body, sweet flavours of fruits and spices, with a smooth and velvety finish.

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Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres

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SKU: CWS00646 Categories: , , , , , Country: Usa Region: Usa Alcohol Percentage: 40%