Glen Keith 21 Years 750ml

$397.00 including GST


The Glen Keith 21 Years is a single malt Scotch whiskey aged solely in wood barrels. It is manufactured by the Glen Keith Distillery, which has existed in Speyside, Scotland, since 1957. The single malt, which has been matured for almost two decades, is packaged in the distillery’s signature style.

Glen Keith 21 Years has a robust and delicious aroma as you open the bottle, with distinct notes of peach and apricot. The whisky smells velvety smooth, with pleasant flavours of vanillin and marzipan. There is also a faint oak note that lends depth and complexity to the fragrance. The Scotch has a thick, creamy texture. The primary flavour is marzipan, with traces of green apple and other subtle fruit aromas. There is also a hint of toffee and honey sweetness. The finish is lengthy and sweet, with a distinct wood flavour. The oak flavours lend depth and complexity to the whisky while balancing the sweetness and fruitiness of the other flavours.

Additional information
Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.7 litres
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SKU: CWS12636 Categories: , , , , , , Country: Scotland Varietal: Single Malt Region: Speyside Vintage: 21 YO Alcohol Percentage: 43%