Hibiki Harmony 750ml

$239.00 including GST


Hibiki Harmony is a precise combination of the finest whiskies available. The famed Hibiki Whisky exemplifies complete harmony. The pinnacle of perfection, the epitome of ‘The Art of Japanese Whisky’ and its practitioners. Hibiki translates to’resonance’ in Japanese. It communicates to the soul and emotions of the most discriminating whisky lover, and it vibrates from nature and all the subtleties contained in the old Japanese lunar calendar’s twenty-four seasons.

Hibiki Harmony is a collection of pure single malt whiskies that have been matured in a variety of cask types, including Mizunara, a very rare Japanese oak, to create a full orchestra of tastes and aromas.

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Dimensions Size of bottle: 0.75 litres
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SKU: CWS11938 Categories: , , , , Country: Japan Region: Japan Alcohol Percentage: 43%